Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Alexander. He has disabled since childhood. He’s 78 years old and lives alone and there’s nobody who can help him. He was very surprised to find there are people who are ready to help him for free. He was living in his apartment...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Aleksey and his wife. A shell hit next to their house, destroyed all of their windows, broke the heating system and some of the ceilings collapsed. They were at home when this happened and they said that only miracle saved them....

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Vitaliy. He lives with his family on the river shore. A shell exploded close to their house and destroyed the gas line and since then, they don’t have heat in the house. They had an old stove in their house, but couple months ago...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This Olga is. She lives alone and she is a pensioner. Her pension is very small, so she rarely use her gas heating. She had a stove, but it broke and all last winter she was cold, but thanks to this new stove she will be warm. In this...

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Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Sergei. His apartment was shelled twice. The first time, all of the windows from his balcony were destroyed. The second time, all of the rest of his windows were destroyed. Thanks to this window insulation, he will be warm in his...

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News from Nikopol Team

News from Nikopol Team

Nikopol Window Team ran over, presumably, a grenade on the way to insulate windows for the local fire department. The fire department said they had been targeted many times, and assumed the grenade had probably been dropped earlier by a drone. Thank God no one was...

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