Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

This is Volodymyr. His house was destroyed after a shelling, so he had to live in the summer kitchen. He doesn’t have a heating system or a regular stove there. We insulated the only window he had in his summer kitchen* and installed a stove.

*Summer kitchens are found all across Ukraine. They’ve been around for centuries and consist of a small building away from the house. Being too hot to cook in the house in the summer, they are work places to cook, can vegetables from the garden for winter and do laundry.

We need funding to help keep this project going. As little as $15 can replace a window.

The need is big, but small donations will make a difference!

#NikopolWindows #NikopolWindowProject #InsulateUkraine #UkrainianChildren #UkrainianChildren.org


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