Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

This is a secondary school that was hit by shelling at the beginning of the year. Most of the windows in the school were broken. Where there was an opportunity, the school employees closed the windows with wood, and others simply covered with film, of course, this did not help from the cold and dampness. And dampness was a very big problem, as the humanitarian headquarters is currently located in the school, where people are given water and food, very often the food spoils due to humidity. Thanks to UkrainianChildren, we were able to insulate the windows, now it will be much easier for employees to work there and products that are so necessary for people will remain usable.

We need funding to help keep this project going. As little as $15 can replace a window.

The need is big, but small donations will make a difference!

#NikopolWindows #NikopolWindowProject #InsulateUkraine #UkrainianChildren #UkrainianChildren.org


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