Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine The Director of college 34 in Nikopol… expressed so many words of gratitude to Ukrainian Children and Insulate Ukraine and everyone who supports this project of window insulation. Not only will he be warm in this college, because he lives...

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine A Lifesaving Solution Last year, Lubov’s apartment was damaged by a shell. It destroyed all of her windows. She lives the city of Marhanets, near Nikopol, where the town doesn’t have the money to cover broken windows with wood for their...
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine Tatyana and her husband were at home when the shell hit their yard. They got very scared. Tatyana couldn’t sleep well for another two months. They closed their windows with wood and anything they could find, but it still was very cold....
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine Running to the corridor saved her life. Olga lives on the 4th floor of her building. When she heard the noise of the shell flying, she ran to the corridor, saving her life. When the shell hit the roof of her building, it came completely...
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine Health Problems Sergei lives alone. He’s a pensioner. He is an elderly man and unfortunately has a lot of health problems which, since the war started, only got worse. It was very hard for him to live in a cold house, but this window...
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine Coming Home Oleg and his wife were at home when the shell hit. His wife got so scared, she couldn’t come back to their apartment for a couple weeks. Then winter came and they had to move in with their friends because it was too cold in...
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol,Ukraine Mold on the walls Since the war started, Victor has lost his job and wasn’t able to pay for the heating. It was so cold and wet in his apartment that all the walls were covered with mold. With is this window insulation, rain won’t enter...
Elena Report-Nikppol, Ukraine
Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine When a shell destroyed windows in Victors apartment, he couldn’t find wood to cover the holes. It was so cold in his home, that he had to wear a coat and hat inside. He expressed many of words of gratitude to UkrainianChildren and...