

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Irina. Her windows were destroyed after the shelling. They couldn’t even find wooden pieces to cover the windows. They simply covered it with film. Thanks to UkrainianChildren. org, we made them window insulation. They were amazed...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Volodymyr he lives with his wife. Some of their windows were destroyed after a shell. They covered them with wooden pieces, but Volodymyr said when it’s warm all over, it’s so hard to live in darkness. So we took off the wooden...

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Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine This is Aleksey. He lives with his mother. Last week because of shell almost all of the windows in their apartment were destroyed. But thanks to we made them window insulation. They were very grateful and glad that...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Olga. She is an elderly disabled woman who lives alone because of a shell. The windows in her house were destroyed. We were able to insulate them and now she will be warm in the winter time. We need funding to help keep this...

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Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine This is Bogdan, the windows on his balcony were destroyed with a shockwave during one of the many shells which are going on in Nikopol. Thanks to and and everyone who donate and support this organization. We were...

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Elena report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena report- Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine This is Natalia, the window in her kitchen and on the balcony were destroyed because of shell. She lives with her husband who is disabled. They couldn’t cover their windows with the wooden pieces because light is very important for her...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Victoria. She lives with her husband on the edge of the Nikopol city on the seashore, which is only 6 km from occupied territory across the river.  A couple of times, shells hit their house and destroyed all of the windows. They...

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Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine This is Raisa, she’s a disabled person. She lives with her husband. One months ago the shell hit the yard of their house and destroyed all of the windows and a heating system. Thanks to and everyone who supports this...

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