Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

This building is a dormitory for refugees. It was restored last year so more refugees would be able to stay there. But after Russian army bombed this building the refugees had to leave. because there were no windows in the building. Thanks to UkrainianChildren.org  we insulated 88 windows in this dormitory. Now refugees will be able to come back. Thank you to everyone who support this project these people will have place to live.


Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine.

Bombed out windows were causing mushrooms to grow on the walls! We installed temporary windows and installed a wood stove. These people are so thanksful!


Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report- Nikopol, Ukraine

This is a humanitarian headquarters, which was made specifically for the refugees. Here people work every day to provide food and clothing to those in need. After the shelling, all the windows in the building were destroyed and already, as you can see in the photo, mold began to appear on the walls. Thanks to the support of UkrainianChildren.org, which cannot be overestimated all windows were insulated. Now people will work in warmth and will not be afraid to get sick. The chief of staff expresses his deepest gratitude.

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report, Nikopol, Ukraine

Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

This is Inga. A shell distorted the windows on her balcony. She lives on the top floor and the wind is so strong that she thought that without windows the balcony will fall apart. She works all day long so she wasn’t at home when we finished her windows. But the next day she called us and said that she could not even imagine that they will  be so good and help so much from wind. It’s all was possible only because of you, everyone who supports this project.

We need funding to help keep this project going. As little as $15 can replace a window. Or if you know of a company that would like to sponsor a street, neighborhood or city, please let us know.

The need is big, but small donations will make a difference!

#NikopolWindows #NikopolWindowProject #InsulateUkraine #UkrainianChildren #UkrainianChildren.org


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