Elena Report-Nikopol, Ukraine

This is Alexander Kovalyov and am the active head of Prydniprovsk village. This is the only school in Predniprovske village and was damage because of Russian aggression. Most of the windows in school were destroyed. There was no money in the village budget to restore the windows. They were so afraid that the mold would corrupt the furniture and didn’t know what to do, but thanks to UkrainianChildren.org we were able to insulate 83 windows in the school. Now children will come back to the safe school. The principal of the school said a lot of gratitude words to everyone who supports this project and UkrainianChildren.org

We need funding to help keep this project going. As little as $15 can replace a window. Or if you know of a company that would like to sponsor a street, neighborhood or city, please let us know.

The need is big, but small donations will make a difference!

#NikopolWindows #NikopolWindowProject #InsulateUkraine #UkrainianChildren #UkrainianChildren.org
